Tuition Costs & Fees

Invest in Yourself

投资从教育开始. 哈丁西蒙斯的使命一直是一个社区,致力于提供卓越的教育启发基督教信仰和价值观. Your college degree – and a successful career – is all within reach.

Paying for college is a team effort between students, their families, and the university. 学生(和他们的父母,如果受抚养)主要负责高等教育费用,应该支付, to the extent they are able, from past income (savings), current income (payment plan), and future income (borrowing).  在HSU支付账单的资源将包括HSU的投资和可能来自联邦/州/外部来源的援助. 澳门皇冠赌场平台努力降低出勤成本,同时保持较高的学术标准. 经济援助办公室考虑每个学生的个人经济状况,并在整个经济援助过程中为学生提供帮助.


就读成本(COA)是一所大学一年的总估计费用,包括学费, housing and meals, books, supplies, travel, loan fees, and personal expenses. A school’s estimated COA is used to determine each student’s eligibility for financial aid, such as grants and loans. 请联系财政援助办公室有关出席的估计费用的任何问题

一所学校的出勤成本是由该机构确定的承担相同学业工作量的学生的估计金额.  If you believe you have a special circumstance that may increase your cost of attendance, you may file a 出勤费用调整申诉.




Types of Aid

We are so proud to say that 99% of our first-year students received some form of financial aid!

Types of Aid

Payment Plan

为了让支付大学学费更容易, 我们为学生提供一种付款计划,将整个学期的学费分成5到6次付款.

Calculate a Plan


申请尽可能多的奖学金是让大学学费更实惠的好方法. Be sure to apply for the Hardin-Simmons specific scholarships that we offer.

See Scholarships


At Hardin-Simmons, we try to make the financial piece of attending college as easy as possible. 以下是按类别分类的学杂费,以便您轻松了解总成本.

澳门皇冠赌场平台,我们尽量使上大学的财务规划尽可能简单. 下面你会发现所有组成部分的清单,可以构成一个学生在澳门皇冠赌场平台就读的成本.

  1. Tuition & Fees – An amount normally assessed a student carrying the same academic workload, 由机构决定.
  2. 书籍,课程材料,用品和设备 – An allowance for books, course materials, and equipment, which must include all such costs required of all students in the same course of study, including a reasonable allowance for the rental or upfront purchase of a personal computer, 由机构决定.
  3. Living Expense (Housing) -有或无受养人居住在机构拥有或经营的房屋内的学生,其房屋津贴必须根据向该等居民征收的房屋费用的平均值或中位数计算, whichever is greater.
  4. Living Expense (Meals) – A standard food allowance that provides the equivalent of three meals each day, regardless of whether a student chooses institutionally owned or operated food services (i.e., board or meal plans).
  5. Transportation – An allowance, 由机构决定, 其中可能包括校园之间的交通, residences, and place of work.
  6. 个人杂项开支 – An allowance, 由机构决定, for a student attending the institution on at least a half-time basis.
  7. Loan Fees (Federal) – An allowance for the cost of any Federal student loan fee, origination fee, or insurance premium charged to the student or the parent of the student.
  8. Professional licensure, certification, 或者是第一份专业证书-与获得许可证相关的费用补贴, certification, 或者是第一份专业证书, 为学生准备进入需要这种资格的职业的课程.
  9. *Dependent care—An allowance based on the estimated actual expenses incurred for dependent care, 根据受抚养人的数量和年龄.
  10. *残疾相关费用-An allowance, 由机构决定, 与学生残疾有关的费用, including special services, personal assistance, transportation, equipment, and supplies that are reasonably incurred and not provided for by other agencies.
  11. *Study abroad expenses—对合理费用的补贴, 由机构决定, for a student in a study abroad program approved for credit by the home institution.
  12. **合作教育费用-对合理费用的补贴, 由机构决定, 在合作教育项目中从事工作经验的学生与这种工作相关的.
  13. **在线学习或函授学习 必须包括学费和杂费,如果需要的话,包括书籍、课程材料、用品和设备. 学校也可能包括旅行津贴, housing, and food costs incurred specifically for a period of residential training.
  14. **被监禁的学生 – may only include tuition & fees, books, course materials, supplies, and equipment, 获得许可证的成本, certification, 或者是第一份专业证书.
  15. **Less than half-time – Must include any components (tuition and fees; books, course materials, supplies, and equipment; and transportation) normally applied to students who are enrolled less than half-time, 连同任何其他组成部分(伤残费用), etc.) that are not expressly prohibited for less than half-time students (e.g.、个人杂项开支). 还可以包括生活费的津贴吗, 包括食物和住房费用, for up to three semesters, or the equivalent, 连续不超过两个学期.
  16. **Military Housing (BAH) -住在军事基地住房内或根据第37编第403(b)节领取基本津贴的学生, United States Code, 机构必须包括合理的校内或校外伙食费,但不包括住房费用.

标有星号(*或**)的出勤费用部分可以根据学生的要求和填写一份 出勤费用调整申诉. Please note that an appeal requires specific documentation in support of the request.

*下面的图表概述了2023-24年和2024-2025年学费和一般费用的估计. 全日制学生每学期至少学习12-17个学分,费用以整个学年(秋季和春季学期)为基础,不包括特定课程的费用.

Refer to our official Cost of Attendance Page or the University Catalog for more information.

Tuition and fees are subject to change by action of the Board of Trustees.

(不包括课程费用、书本费和其他杂费. fees) 2023-2024 2024-2025
Tuition* $30,694 $31,920
Required Fees $992 $1,040

*全日制本科学费 & Fees (12-17 hours per semester; does not include course-specific fees)
非全日制本科学费是 $995 per hour (EX: $995 x 9 hrs = $8,955 per semester x2 = Annual Cost of $17,910)
Undergraduate nursing is $800 per hour (EX: $800 x 15 hrs = $12,000 per semester x2 = Annual Cost of $24,000)
Online RN to BSN is $400 per hour (EX: $400 x 12 hrs = $4,800 per semester x2 = Annual Cost of $9,600)

General fee
Year ’23-’24 ’24-’25
秋季/春季/夏季学期- 12学时或以上 $496 $520
秋季/春季/夏季学期- 9-11学时 $382 $400
秋季/春季/夏季学期- 5-8小时 $288 $300
秋季/春季/夏季学期- 1-4学时 $244 $250
Re-registration fee to reinstate classes if dropped due to non-payment $100 $100
正常注册后更改课程安排,每门课程取消 $20 $20
院系学分考试(进阶学分/先修学分) $50 $50
文凭(每份文凭的正本、副本或补发证书) $80 $80
音乐设施费用,每学期每小时的私人课程 $95 $95
音乐私教费用,每学期一小时 $295 $295
体育活动课(实验费) $45 $45
Business Course Fee $75
Engineering Course Fee $1,000
Special examination $30 $30
Transcript, per copy (accounts must be current before transcripts are issued) $10 $10
Post Office Express $35 $35
Audit fee (fee charged for auditing – not for credit), per semester hour $100 $100
护理学院保障费(背景调查) $50 $50
护理学院医疗事故保险费 $50 $50
护理学院软考收费 $65 $65
Returned check $35 $35
Student ID card replacement $25 $25
Payment plan enrollment fee $80 $80
Late payment fee (payment received 5 days or more after due date) $80 $80

住在大的校园意味着高质量的环境, 还有无尽的参与和交朋友的机会.


Residence Hall Room & Utility Rates, per semester
Year ’23-’24 ’24-’25
Anderson (men) $2,350 $2,500
Lange (women) $2,900 $2,975
Prichard (women) $3,175
Room, May Term $400 $400
Room, Summer Sessions $450 $450
Fall & Spring Semesters
May/Summer Semesters
正常房价另加50% 正常房价另加50%
University Place & Wolf Apartments
所有费率为每学期(秋季,春季)** ’23-’24 ’24-’25
4 bedroom 2 bath $2,375 $2,420
2 bedroom 1 bath $2,920 $2,980
2 bedroom 2 bath $3,530 $3,600
1 bedroom 1 bath $3,715 $3,790
Brown, Culpepper, Martin和Watanabe-Kimura公寓
4 bedroom 2 bath $2,765 $2,840
2 bedroom 1 bath $3,180 $3,280
2 bedroom 2 bath $3,900 $4,000
1 bedroom 1 bath $4.175 $4,250
单人公寓两居室公寓收费. (If available)*
Fall & Spring Semesters
May/Summer Semesters
正常公寓价格的50% 正常公寓价格的50%

**Summer Housing Applications due April 30:
May Term $400
Summer 1 & 2 $450 ea.
Entire Summer $1,200

校内房屋租金(包括水电费):23- 24年和24- 25年


  • 1 bedroom 1 bath-$4,340
  • 2 bedroom 1 bath-$3,720
  • 2 bedroom 2 bath-$4,330
  • 3 bedroom 1 bath-$3,630
  • 3 bedroom 2 bath-$3,890


  • 1 bedroom 1 bath-$4,790
  • 2 bedroom 1 bath-$5,300
  • 2 bedroom 2 bath-$5,700
  • 3 bedroom 1 bath-$6,550
  • 3 bedroom 2 bath-$7,040

HSU Dining offers a variety of meal plans and options located throughout campus for students, faculty, 员工和客人享受坐下来吃饭, a sandwich on the go,  或者在去上课的路上喝杯咖啡.

了解更多关于咖啡,POD和吉尔伯特咖啡的信息 HSU Cafeteria.

Resident Meal Plans
作为一名住在学生宿舍的学生, HSU requires you to purchase meals from the University dining facility. HSU从下面列出的膳食计划中为您提供选择. 无限套餐是最灵活的选择, since you can eat as often and as many times per semester as you like. The Dining Dollars are cash dollars available for making purchases in the POD, the Sandwich Shack, 餐厅和/或吉尔伯特咖啡馆. 随着住房政策的变化,允许即将升学的二年级学生住在我们的校内公寓, 有一个完整的膳食计划要求.
Price per semester ’23-’24 ’24-’25
不限量用餐(含销售税加$50 Dining dollar) $2,950 $2,950
第14周(含销售税加100美元餐费) $2,640 $2,640
每周10美元(含销售税加250美元餐费) $2,410 $2,410
Non-Resident Meal Plans
如果您是HSU的非居民学生, 当你在校园里的时候,你仍然可以购买一份膳食计划,和你的朋友在餐厅吃饭. HSU offers three choices of Block meal plans to non-resident students. 该块代表您为一个学期购买的总餐费. 当你使用这些食物是由你决定的. You only lose meals under the Block if you do not use all of them by the end of the semester. The Dining Dollars are cash dollars available for making purchases in the POD, the Sandwich Shack, the dining hall, and/or Gilbert’s coffee shop.
Price per semester ’23-’24 ’24-’25
Block 80 (80 meals/semester; includes sales tax plus $75 Dining Dollars) $980 $980
Block 50 (50 meals/semester; includes sales tax plus $50 Dining Dollars) $620 $620
Block 30 (30 meals/semester includes sales tax plus $180 Dining Dollars) $570 $570

A budget allowance for books, course materials, supplies, and equipment, which must include all such costs required of all students in the same course of study, including a reasonable allowance for the rental or upfront purchase of a personal computer, 由机构决定. 目前HSU的预算为书籍的估计费用, course materials, 用品和设备为1美元,060 annually.


交通费是估计出勤费用的一部分. 哈佛大学估计旅费为1美元,462 annually, 这可能包括家与家之间的交通, campus, and your place of work.  如果你认为你的费用会更大,你可以要求一个 cost of attendance adjustment. With adequate documentation, 可以根据HSU财务援助办公室的决定对您的出勤费用进行更改.

Miscellaneous personal expenses are a part of the estimated cost of attendance. HSU估计个人费用为1美元,840 annually, for a student attending the institution on at least a half-time basis. 如果你认为你的费用会更大,你可以要求一个 cost of attendance adjustment. With adequate documentation, 可以根据HSU财务援助办公室的决定对您的出勤费用进行更改.

Loan fees are a part of the estimated cost of attendance if you have taken out federal loans. HSU估计,在该机构学习至少一半时间的学生每年的贷款申请费为66美元. 如果你认为你的费用会更大,你可以要求一个 cost of attendance adjustment. With adequate documentation, 可以根据HSU财务援助办公室的决定对您的出勤费用进行更改. See our loan origination calculator.

获得专业执照的费用, certification, or first professional credential is a part of the estimated cost of attendance.  HSU根据授予许可证的监管机构的具体计划和成本估算这些费用. 正在学习获得执照课程的学生, 认证或第一专业证书将由HSU财政援助办公室将这一特定部分添加到出席费用中.  如果你认为你的费用会更大,你可以要求一个 cost of attendance adjustment. With adequate documentation, 可以根据HSU财务援助办公室的决定对您的出勤费用进行更改.

*需要更正以下任何项目的出勤费用的学生可以通过提交一份 Cost of Attendance Appeal.

**符合这些学生类别之一的学生将在HSU的经济援助审计中调整其出勤费, prior to aid disbursement.

  • *Dependent care—An allowance based on the estimated actual expenses incurred for dependent care, 根据受抚养人的数量和年龄.
  • *残疾相关费用-An allowance, 由机构决定, 与学生残疾有关的费用, including special services, personal assistance, transportation, equipment, and supplies that are reasonably incurred and not provided for by other agencies.
  • *Study abroad expenses—对合理费用的补贴, 由机构决定, for a student in a study abroad program approved for credit by the home institution.
  • **合作教育费用-对合理费用的补贴, 由机构决定, 在合作教育项目中从事工作经验的学生与这种工作相关的.
  • **在线学习或函授学习 必须包括学费和杂费,如果需要的话,包括书籍、课程材料、用品和设备. 学校也可能包括旅行津贴, housing, and food costs incurred specifically for a period of residential training.
  • **被监禁的学生– may only include tuition & fees, books, course materials, supplies, and equipment, 获得许可证的成本, certification, 或者是第一份专业证书.
  • **Less than half-time – Must include any components (tuition and fees; books, course materials, supplies, and equipment; and transportation) normally applied to students who are enrolled less than half-time, 连同任何其他组成部分(伤残费用), etc.) that are not expressly prohibited for less than half-time students (e.g.、个人杂项开支). 还可以包括生活费的津贴吗, 包括食物和住房费用, for up to three semesters, or the equivalent, 连续不超过两个学期.
  • **Military Housing (BAH) -住在军事基地住房内或根据第37编第403(b)节领取基本津贴的学生, United States Code, 机构必须包括合理的校内或校外伙食费,但不包括住房费用.